Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Don't Get Sucked Into The Money Funnel


What I mean by this when we are working to build our businesses online...we want instant results. Unfortunately you don't get instant results. So we chase the next shiny object, or "get rich quick" scheme. We all know those don't work and most of the time are a scam.

It takes discipline, time, and patients when you are building something long term and worth while online. Don't give up though because you'll never know how close you are to your breakthrough.

There are really great training programs out here that are free. There are also many free tools you can use that will help your engagement across all social networks. I'd like to help you succeed by first saying do not fall into the instant gratification mentality and hang in there.

I will share these links with you in this post. I want to first explain who I am. My name is Howard I live in southwestern PA close to Pittsburgh U.S.A. I own my own construction company that I work full time at during the day. I also own 7 different websites and 4 ecommerce stores. I make money from all my ventures, the company, sites and stores. I also belong to a group called SFI which stands for Six Figure Income!

I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with success and you will succeed. I have a beautiful wife named Kayla, we will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary in July on the 21st. Together she and I have 2 beautiful daughters. Ry & Em. They are 3 and 4 years old.

Here is a picture of us at together on Christmas!  I have been doing marketing online now since 2014 so in 4 years time I've seen a lot of fads come and go. I've seen a lot people scammed out of their money from "gurus" claiming they had the solution or answer to make you an overnight millionaire. These tricks simply are not true. What is true you need to publish valuable, helpful content regularly. You need to build of following, trust, and a rapport.

To get engagement and more Twitter followers....try this free tool


Then to easily send your posts while you are at work, use this tool to load content, pictures, and links to your websites and offers...

With these two tools you can load all your profiles into a free extension that comes with Commun.it's tool called Buffer. Once you get your Facebook and Twitter profiles set up inside on the dashboard you'll see a link for Buffer and you can also download the app from Google Play or Apple Store free.

What this tool does is gets all your social profiles from Twitter,Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Instagram...and you can then load posts and content up to a months worth!

Then social Jukebox the same thing. It lets you load up to 50 tweets and posts and also has an auto responder so when people direct message you it'll answer them back! Two really cool tools for growing following and engagement, but you'll still need to manage your social accounts. By logging in and following and granting permission for certain actions to be taken.

These are great ways to explode your businesses growth without spending a small fortune on an already shoe string budget especially those that are just starting!

Please connect with me on other social networks I can be found on Facebook & Twitter & YouTube

I offer valuable information on the pages I manage on Google+ which you can find just from reading this post, as well as Facebook and YouTube. I really hope to connect with you as I love to help anyone succeed that is willing to put the work into succeeding!

Best of luck to all of you....everything you put heart, mind, and spirit into will prosper.

Talk soon as I will uploading and updating this blog frequently. This and my little WordPress app are my 2 favorite new apps of 2017!

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